
Better systems mean better care

CareLineLive is award-winning all-in-one cloud-based home care management software. It works across three integrated easy-to-use systems, the Management Portal, the Carer Companion App, and the Care Circle Portal.

CareLineLive delivers the following features and benefits for home care agencies:

  • Quick and easy rostering saves time and reduces errors
  • Improves efficiency through automating administrative processes such as invoicing and payroll
  • Care planning, reporting and compliance tools, including assessments and incident reporting, help improve quality and compliance
  • Client assessments, for example food and drink preferences, facilitate home care agencies to deliver person-centred care
  • Real-time electronic call monitoring records carers’ attendance and completed activities at client visits
  • Carer Companion mobile app enables paperless documentation – eMAR, observations data, for example, blood pressure, and highlighting concerns. All of which help to reduce errors and ensures carers spend less time on paper administration
  • Enhanced communication and instant client updates assist the management of day-to-day challenges and makes sure carers can be more responsive in the care delivered
  • Improve productivity and roster more accurately with estimates of travel times between consecutive carer visits
  • Our Care Circle portal helps complete the circle of care and enables the sharing of client information. Pre-defined access to client details can be given to loved ones, GPs and emergency services.

We offer a stress-free onboarding process and a dedicated customer and technical support team available online and via phone and email. Ultimately, CareLineLive delivers more time to care.

To find out more or book a demonstration, call 0330 0885 767 or email [email protected] or visit